Google’s mobile friendly algorithm -Is your site mobile fit?

Google’s mobile friendly algorithm -Is your site mobile fit?

Blog first published on ThinkZenMedia Blog:

Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ changes have been in effect for a few weeks now, what interesting is how this has already had an impact on (mobile searches).

If you haven’t already headed over to the Google Developers page [check it out] the test lets you enter you website URL and wait and see if your site is “responsive” or mobile friendly, as Google likes to call it.

Now many of you have had sites that have been built for you, and you have no idea what technology your developer used to create it. Or maybe you already know that you site has been built using that technology that isn’t supporting the Google Algorithms.

For those who have websites that are getting a bit long in the tooth – don’t panic, its not the end of the world. But sticking you head in the sand and ignoring the issue is only going to drop you page ranking and reduce your brands visibility to mobile users.

We loved the results that Graham Charlton compiled on Barclays and the drop in search ranking since Google shook things up, read his post. Data analyzed using a really cool program (which we are looking forward to our FREE Demo trail) from PI-Datametrics.

See for yourself how a mobile friendly home page, still won’t get you over the line. Barclays’ found out the hard way with its non-optimised pages. Data speaks a thousand words.





What did we gain?

It’s a pretty clean cut; Google is leading the charge in the mobile race, and radically weeding out sites that don’t comply. Think of it as the Google Green House, they control the growing conditions and if you want your site to get noticed then make sure you adapt to the change of times.

Mobile and wearable technology is the future – that is FACT, and these new devices require responsive and optimized mobile friendly content, these are the winners at the end of the day! The other sites will continue to fall further and further behind in the ranking race.

Chime into the conversation; let me know your thoughts!

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