1tag & 1tag Secure

We partner with the best

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) , we partner with thousands of premium publishers, leading agencies and advertisers – AdZouk cares about creating a content ecosystem across our publishers – making them realise the importance of content to improve the entire digital experience.

1tag was built to meet demands of publishers and advertisers.

On publishers side it acts as a tag management system providing our partners with a one-time implementation that serves all AdZouk products and increases monetisation, giving publishers the ability to control their inventory and create the highest possible eCPM.




Don’t take our word for it

AdZouk premium publishing partners are quality content creators from influencer blogs to Global multi-platform publishing houses.

We believe it will give us the flexibility to create inventory on demand within in a matter of seconds.

James leaver- GM, International at MailOnline

For advertisers, 1tag acts as a placement on-demand functionality that creates inventory on demand within seconds.

It has transformed the way advertisers do business with agency trading desks as it allows them to shoot multiple deal ids with publishers, as it gives advertisers the ability to streamline the entire process and create supply on the go. Advertisers can get the right ad formats in front of the right audiences whenever they want to, wherever they want it.

With placement on demand, 1tag is able to conform to Google’s 5 factors of ad viewability and bring more ads in view, which creates high view rates, increased performance and ultimately a higher eCPM for publishers. 1tag is a revolutionary innovation bound to change the way digital media is traded.

Don’t take our word for it

AdZouk premium publishing partners are quality content creators from influencer blogs to Global multi-platform publishing houses.

That’s why with the 1tag solution, as a buyer, I can use it to buy my DSP and send it directly to the publisher. I know exactly what I’m buying and there is very little clutter, so by the time the ad $$ reaches the publisher he’s not getting pennies he’s getting dollars.

Christos Solomi- Executive Director, MEANA

Your campaign should be 100% brand safe











1tag Secure - full logo

Advancing brand safety from prevention to protection.

Prevention requires real-time, split-second analysis of the page’s content and the source of the impression. At 1tag Secure, we can generate this kind of analysis in under 20ms per impression, enabling us to prevent these hazards proactively, in real-time.

Don’t take our word for it

Download our 1tag Secure case studies or our 1tag one-pager for some light reading. Click on the below images to start the download.


FAQ Sheet

Advancing brand safety from protection to prevention


Info Sheet

Advancing brand safety from protection to prevention

Would you like to schedule a call back?

If you want to schedule a call to see how 1tag
Secure can give you the power to control your brand’s exposure to negative content association and non-human traffic.

Already one of our partners, but you
need assistance?

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